Thursday, November 22, 2007

Death To America (Part One)

An Active Denial Saucer patrols the National Mall, ensuring peace & stability during the 1st Anniversary of DISCLOSURE.
-- Authorized A(A)P photo

Manifest Destiny. Be careful what you wish for.

What do you think our chances would be if we found ourselves up against the same odds we gave the American Indian. Could we cut a better deal than we gave them?

Polls show 54% of Americans want the troops home now, 68% disapprove of Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq and 64% are against the war, 70% of American voters believe Dick Cheney has abused his powers as Vice President, and 61% definitely want him impeached.

An even higher percentage of Americans say they can handle being told of the existence of Extra-Terrestrials.

Which of these six fundamental changes in day-to-day American Life do you think will happen first?

My Name is Michael Sterling, and I approved these questions.


Blogger Sounder said...

"They are immanentizing the eschaton"

Good call, but what are we doing to get more people to understand this idea?

Michael, I wish you well with the iParty concept, yet one trouble I have with net communication attempts is their ephemerial nature. Good stuff, but soon one moves on to other 'good stuff', with never enough effort to develop and deepen the communication. If one tries to deepen the communication it seems that mis-communication creeps in rapidly, again encouraging one to move on. What to do, what to do?

November 24, 2007 at 4:00:00 AM PST  
Blogger CANDIDATE said...

"What to do, what to do?"

WHAT TO DO: Lose weight, become stronger, get out of debt, eat better food & less of it, don't buy Chinese, stop waiting for Hoagland's movie, turn off the Prison Channel, avoid standing in lines, talk with strangers, listen to everybody, speak for yourself.


The new "inked deal" that keeps us in Iraq forever, and the recent exposure of the President and all around him as bald-faced liars (DER!), has sparked a new iParty post that begins with your final question.

It is the nature of the Mind to move on, and the Saints provide new border pieces of a different puzzle to corral it.

Ephemerality is not the problem. "What You Don't Know Can't Hurt Them", is a GREAT line, but at one point it is no longer a solution. "What A Way To Go", has shown that we may be beyond "What can we do to keep from hitting the iceberg we cannot avoid?", to what do we do when we hit the water!

Thanks for your comment. Let me repeat the partial response:

WHAT TO DO: Lose weight, become stronger, get out of debt, eat better food & less of it, don't buy Chinese, stop waiting for Hoagland's movie, turn off the Prison Channel, avoid standing in lines, talk with strangers, listen to everybody, speak for yourself.


People are more awake than we think, but that doesn't mean they can't see the scalpel headed for them, just before they realize they can't move because they didn't go "under".

One of my supporter believes it enough to "be a good person". Maybe she's right because she certainly is one even though she chides me for my involvment in this morass. She may also be right because I have realized in an EVENT CLOCK moment, that I could swap the titles "DEATH TO AMERICA" with "The Deal Is Inked", and neither post would be less true.

Lose weight, become stronger, get out of debt, eat better food & less of it, don't buy Chinese, stop waiting for Hoagland's movie, turn off the Prison Channel, avoid standing in lines, talk with strangers, listen to everybody, speak for yourself.


Repeat as necessary.


November 27, 2007 at 1:58:00 PM PST  

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