The Surge Goes On
Donald Rumsfeld still has his desk at the Pentagon.
Karl Rove; who referred to last November's mid-term election as a speed bump, still has his job in the White House.
Dick Cheney: "not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy that was asked to stick his head in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others.", who crossed out "this Pres.", and replaced it with "that was", in a memo uncovered in the Libby trial still has his job. A memo that proves the President knew who leaked Valerie Plame's name even as he went on national TV to proclaim whoever it was would no longer work "in his White House", still has HIS job.
Why Bush?
Many of us are waiting for the Paradigm Shift to happen. Some for longer than ten years. Some are even making a living by debating it's exact nature and due date. What if the event that changes everything is not a divine, natural occurrence, but more of a Parallax Surge; a time not of great change, but one of subtle lies slowly bringing about the incremental disaster everyone secretly fears.
Everyone but those waiting for Jesus, or Aliens to show up and solve all the problems that when ignored, got us in this mess in the first place.
We are certainly in such a surge. Not just of troops, but of disinformation. There is now no way to discern the truth in the news.
Because those paid to report the news are more interested in telling us what to think about the News, and they are getting away with it as surely as the aforementioned public servants who can no longer be trusted, even if that statement cannot be proven. How else does: "The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time", become: "Israel must be wiped off the map"?
What did we do about the Soviet Pilots trying to shoot down Gordo Cooper over MiG ALLEY? We trusted in the training of OUR Pilots and avoided World War III.
We could have fed every North Korean by now.
It is as Maximus roared at the monsters and fools in the ringside seats: "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?"
Polar Bears are retreating to ever smaller chunks of ice as new sea lanes are being plotted across an ice-free North Pole.
Because the Extinction Level Threat of Global Warming and Climate Change cannot be proven, even when hundreds of Scientists bring in the data that does just that.
"Is our children learning?"
A lie is just a surge in the truth. No amount of American troops will help in Iraq unless the true goal is to wipe out anyone not wearing an American uniform, while looting the United States as you do it; a United States that's been talked into supporting the troops no matter what. Hang in there, you'll be up for promotion when you've "done your duty"... or at least a medal of some kind.
The first NASA Astronaut to reach The Face or the ruins of Cydonia, will probably empty their urine bag on proof of an older, perhaps wiser Civilization as the rest of the crew set up cameras pointed at the wrong angle to "prove" that there was nothing there all along.
"The surge goes on, the surge goes on.
Drums keep pounding WAR into our brain.
La de da de dee, la de da de da..."
20,000 more Aussie Troops? Sure, no worries.
CRIKEY! Another Brer Rat set-up, and all it took was a phone call to the Australian Prime Minister to get Obama to embrace the Tar Baby. Rove is brilliant.
And the surge goes on, yes the SURGE goes on...
I will. As you must also.
My Name is Michael Sterling, and I approved this image.